Thursday 5 July 2018

👪 TO SUM UP... 👪 conclusion

It has been my first trip traveling abroad and one of the best experiences in my life!!! I would never have thought that this trip to Poland would be so satisfactory. Our classmates who had travelled to Germany for the first meeting left high expectations for it. However, the meeting in Poland has more than lived up to my expectations.
These kinds of experiences make you improve on many aspects. The one I consider is the most important is learning how to develop in a foreign country alone. At first, it is hard as you don't know anything about the family who is hosting you and you have no confidence to move freely around the house.
However, once you have moved from that phase, everything is OK and you finally feel comfortable.
Another point to take in account is improving your English level. These kinds of experiences lead you to think in English instead of thinking in Spanish and then translate it to English.
Overall, it is a great opportunity to develop lots of aspects in your life. It is a trip that you will always remember!!!

💃 8th JUNE: LAST DAY 💃

Friday, 8th June.
Our meeting in Poland was going to finish soon!! That morning, we worked pretty hard in order to make the final event perfect. Once everything was prepared for the play, we sat down and kept quite... the final event was going to start!!
The moderators began the speech summarizing our week in Radom. They described it as an intensive unforgettable experience. Everyone had taken part in the project in their own way so we were all really proud of the final result.
After the introduction, a Polish student went over all we had done since we had arrived in Poland. That made us feel a bit sad because we realized that this incredible week was finishing. 
Then, each of us was given a folder and a pencil case as a gift from the Polish team. It was a nice detail!!

Some minutes later, Romeo & Juliet's play began. The students who played as Romeo wore a hat and the students who played Juliet role wore a shawl.
The scene in the balcony was nail-biting, I really liked it!!
To sum up, all the people involved in the project were thanked for that amazing experience.

Once the play was finished, we did a farewell activity. It consisted of holding a paper sheet at our backs so that the other students could write down an adjective describing us. That was an unforgettable moment because once the activity was finished, we read all the good things people had written about us and started crying.
 I loved that activity!! And I loved those people!!

After school, we went to Kazimierz Dolny, which was a town near Radom, where we had dinner as if we were soldiers in the army. We ate some paté, boiled eggs and bread. We also had some cherry cake and chips. 
Then, we went to the town centre where we were given some free time. One hour later, we were leaving Kazimierz Dolny to got in Radom again.
We were all pretty tired but as it was our last day together, we tried not to fall asleep in order to have great fun!!!


Thursday, 7th June.
The end of the meeting in Poland was coming. We needed to finish our calendar and start preparing the final event. That morning, we worked really hard on the calendar in order to finish it in 3 hours. In the end, we were all finished and joined all the months of the year together. The result was great!!
The following picture shows my team's work. We were in charge of designing MARCH.

After that activity, we started planning the final event. It consisted of dividing he students into 4 groups:
  • ACTORS: Romeo & Juliet play was going to be played. Six students from each team (Polish, German and Spanish) had to represent the balcony scene in the final event. There were 8 people who played Juliet role and another 8 students who played Romeo role. 
  • DECORATION AND SOUND TASK: Five guys were in charge of preparing the stage and controlling the sound task for the play. The whole gym was decorated with posters and decorations.
  • MAKE_UP AND COSTUMES ARTISTS: Ten students were chosen to design Romeo & Juliet's costumes. Then, some make-up for Juliet had to be designed. I took part in that activity. It was great because my work-team was pretty nice and had amazing ideas!!
  • MODERATORS: One student from each team was chosen to be a moderator in the final event. Those 3 people had to make up a speech introducing the different parts of the event.  

  • Once school had finished, we went to our houses to prepare ourselves for the final party. Lucja's parents owned a established hotel in Radom since some years ago. They decided to prepare a farewell party there in order to keep a special memory of the meeting. Lucja's parents were really nice with us!!
    At the hotel, there was a huge air mattress where we jumped and had great fun. There was also a large table with loads of Polish, German and Spanish traditional food. Everything was perfect!!
    Moreover, a Polish teacher in the exchange loved dancing so she taught us how to dance some Polish songs!!
    I will never forget that day!!

💟 6th JUNE: TRIP-DAY 💟

Wednesday, 6th June.That day, we woke up at 5.30h in the morning because the bus which was taking us to Warsaw left at 6.30h. It took 2 hours to arrive in the Polish capital city because of the heavy traffic.
Once we had arrived at our destination, we visited WARSAW OPERA which is the 3rd largest opera in the world!!! 
We went on a guide tour all around the building and were showed some workshops where they make the decoration stuff, the stage, the sound-control place and every corner in the opera.
It was amazing! I had never seen such an incredible place!

After that amazing tour, we walked along Warsaw's streets and were given some free time. Then, we had lunch in a traditional restaurant in the city centre. We ate some Pierogi, which is a Polish traditional dish made of pasta and beef. It was delicious!!
I really liked Polish capital city, Warsaw. Its streets were pretty beautiful and different from streets in Spain. Furthermore, the weather was really nice so we had great fun that day.

Saturday 30 June 2018


Tuesday, 5th June.
The first activity we did was called "Find someone". It consisted of finding someone who met some characteristics. For example, someone who had read Harry Potter books, or someone who had a little sister.
Then, we had a dynamic English lesson with a Polish teacher. We talked about the Wonders of the World. In that class, I worked with Julka (Poland), Rocío (Spain) and Celest (Germany). What I liked most about that class was the teacher. He was really nice and funny and made us spend a great time.

Once we had finished that activity, we were divided into 4 workshops to work on a calendar. The aim of that exercise was designing a calendar in which every student took part. So we made groups of 3 students and chose one of the months in the year.
I was in Workshop 1 and our motto was "I and Others".
I worked with Rocío, Celeste, Sinem and Sude. We chose MARCH so we decided to draw some flowers (representing the spring) and two hands holding each other (representing love and friendships). 

After lunch, we all visited Radom and went to its town hall. We were received by the major and were given some gifts. Everyone was pretty kind with us and we enjoyed that time a lot.
Then, we went around the city and spent some time in the city centre. In the afternoon, Polish students took us to a street-concert. A well-known rapper was singing in the main square and loads of people were there. It was an incredible atmosphere!!


Monday, 4th June.
It was our first day in Radom so the Polish teachers organized an ice-breaking activity. It consisted of introducing ourselves and keeping us in touch with a ball of wool, so that in the end, we would all take part in a colorful wool-net.
I had great fun doing that activity because all the teachers made jokes about their age!!!

Then, we made a list of EXPECTATIONS for our meeting in Poland. The majority of the students wrote things related to improving their English and making friends. We also made groups and looked for hobbies we shared. Then we wrote it down on a friendship-triangle.
After that, we drew our hand on a big paper sheet.


Once we had finished that activity, the Spanish and the German team introduced our high schools to the other students. Both teams had prepared an online presentation with photos and videos.
Whereas, the Polish team represented a drama play from which we could learn that we must be kind with people around us.

Friday 29 June 2018


  • 8.30: Bus leaving
  • 10.30: Short stop 
  • 12.30: Airport arrival
  • 16.30: Take off
  • 20.00: Landing
  • 21.00: Bus leaving
  • 23.15: Arrival at destination 
Spanish team were asked to be at I.E.S. Los Cerros entrance at 8.30h in the morning.
The mini-bus would travel 4 hours until arriving at Madrid-Barajas Airport. At 10.30h, we did a short stop in a roadside-restaurant where we ate a snack and went to the toilet.
During the bus trip we had great fun. We didn't stop talking, playing games and listening to music.  

Once we had arrived at the airport, we started doing the checking-in. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed so we decided to have lunch at the airport. We went to "100 montaditos" and had lunch all together.
In spite of the tiring long bus-trip, we were pretty excited and went on a shopping trip until taking off.
We also played some games and bought some gifts for our Polish-partners.

The plane took off at 16.30h. All our flight-seats were cut off from each other. But luckily, we managed to sit together by asking strangers to exchange our seats.
Finally, Salva and I sat together and just in front of us, Aileen and Raúl were placed.

Around 20.00h, Spanish team landed. We waited 30 minutes until getting our suitcases and caught the bus that was going to take us to Radom. The Polish teacher picked us up and kept us company until we arrived at our destination.

At 23.15h, we got to Radom. German and Polish team were waiting for us. We were all really excited about the time we were going to spend together!!!

✈ SUMMARY: 2nd Meeting in Poland ✈

DATE: 4th June - 8th June 2018
PLACE: Radom, Poland 

  • TEACHERS: Lola Marín & María José Leiva
  • STUDENTS: Julia Carrasco, Sofía Martínez, Salvador Tello, Lucía Carrasco, Aileen Sandoval, María López, Raúl Urrutia & Rocío Martín.
EVERY DAY LIFE in Poland: 
  • 7.30: Getting up
  • 8.30: School starts
  • 12.30: Canteen
  • 15.00: School finishes
  • 17.30: Dinner
  • 21.30: Souper
  • 23.00: Going to bed
  • 5th June: Radom
  • 6th June:  Warsaw (Polish Capital)
  • 8th June:

Thursday 31 May 2018


Four months ago, all the students involved in the project were asked to design a logo which would represent YEA! Project.
My mate Lucía and I worked together and designed the one bellow. In order to do it, we used GIMP which is an app for editing digital images.
We chose a quill to represent LITERATURE and wanted it to be simple as well as original.
During the trip in Germany, all the teachers and students voted for one of the logos to be the one that would represent the project. Surprisingly, our logo was chosen!

Sunday 27 May 2018


Our Geography & History teacher asked us to work in partners about  BORDERS and the details they involve. In my case, I worked with Elena Martínez and did a presentation about borders' impact in our names.


Friday 11 May 2018


Úbeda is a small city in the South of Spain.
It has around 35.000 inhabitants.

Úbeda is mainly known because of its beautiful renaissance squares and monuments, 
such as El Salvador, Santa María and Hospital de Santiago.
I really like living in Úbeda because there are always some interesting and cultural activities to do.


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